EVA gladly welcomes new members and is naturally open to
financial contributions as well as any conceptional and organisational support.
To join the EVA association, please download the
application form (PDF file)
and send back the filled out form.
Further questions?
If you still have questions concerning membership,
don't hesitate to contact our office in Berlin:

EVA Annual membership fees
Organisations and institutions in Germany: 60,00 €
Native Germans: 30,00 €
Native Germans without fixed income (trainees, students, scholarship students etc.): 15,00 €
Organisations and instutitions from Central Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe: 25,00 €
Members from Central Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe with fixed income: 20,00 €
If justified, you can apply in writing for a fee reduction (by 5.00 €).

Europaeischer Verein fuer Ost/West-Annaeherung
(EVA e. V./registered association)
(European Association for East/West Rapprochement)
Tanja Cummings
Wartenburgstr. 3
10963 Berlin
phone: 0049-(0)30-55515114